SHIP Festival 2023

čet14ruj(ruj 14)18:00ned17(ruj 17)17:00SHIP Festival 2023


14 (četvrtak) 18:00 - 17 (Nedjelja) 17:00


THURSDAY SEP 14 Opening Concert: NU GENEA live band (Napoli, IT)
FRIDAY SEP 15 Day: Music conference Night: Showcase Festival
SATURDAY SEP 16 Day: Music conference Night: Showcase Festival
After being established in September last year, the Croatian Music Export Office (We Move Music Croatia) has now announced the conference and showcase festival SHIP, which will be held in September this year. From September 14 to 17, Šibenik will host numerous musicians and music professionals worldwide. During the day, the conference part of the festival will be held, while in the afternoon and evening, music professionals and the general interested public will enjoy numerous concerts by upcoming domestic and international musical newcomers.
The We Move Music Croatia conference SHIP is organized in cooperation with the Public Cultural Institution Tvrđava Kulture Šibenik, and the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and Croatian National Tourist Board supports the conference. ________________________________________________________________________________
Nakon što je u rujnu prošle godine osnovan, Ured za izvoz glazbe Hrvatska (We Move Music Croatia) sada je najavio konferenciju i showcase festival SHIP koji će se održati u rujnu ove godine. Šibenik će od 14. do 17. rujna biti domaćin brojnim glazbenicima i glazbenim profesionalcima iz čitavoga svijeta. Tijekom dana održat će se konferencijski dio festivala, dok će u popodnevnim i večernjim satima glazbeni profesionalci, ali i šira zainteresirana javnost, uživati u brojnim koncertima nadolazećih domaćih i međunarodnih glazbenih nada.

We Move Music Croatia konferenciju SHIP organizira u suradnji s Javnom ustanovom u kulturi Tvrđava kulture Šibenik, a konferenciju podržava Ministarstvo kulture i medija RH i Turistička zajednica.


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