« LOOP » by ATOM Theatrea

pon22srp10:30pon11:30« LOOP » by ATOM Theatrea


(Ponedjeljak) 10:30 - 11:30


Pridružite nam se za očaravajuću izvedbu « LOOP » ATOM Theatrea iz Bugarske u ponedjeljak, 22.07 u 22:30 u Azimutu!
Ova predstava u koreografiji bugarske umjetnice Stefaniye Georgieve istražuje cikličnu prirodu ljudskih odnosa i potragu za slobodom i povezanošću.
“LOOP je plesno djelo koje besprijekorno spaja dramu, intenzivni izraz i napetost...” ( Z. Mihelčić, direktor Šibenik Dance Festivala)
Vidimo se u Azimutu !
Ulaz: Slobodan
Join us for the captivating performance of « LOOP » by ATOM Theatre, Bulgaria on Monday, 22.07 at 22:30 on Azimut Green Stage !
This performance choreographed by a renowned Bulgarian artist Stefaniya Georgieva delves into the cyclical nature of human relationships and the quest for freedom and connection. “LOOP is a dance piece that seamlessly blends drama, intense expression, and suspense…”( quote by Z. Mihelčić, Šibenik Dance Festival director)
Stay with us for this thought-provoking open-air performance!

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